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Team Building Activity Ideas for Work: What Can Be Included?

Team Building Activity Ideas for Work

Team-building activities are now recognized for a productive and enjoyable workplace. Business owners in Dubai and other UAE cities often arrange these events, viewing them as a long-term investment in business growth.

They promote team spirit, recognize leadership skills, encourage teamwork, and uncover hidden abilities. However, many organizations find it challenging to think of effective ideas for these events.

Here, we have listed some effective team-building activities for work to make your existing team more productive. 

Importance of Team Building Activities

They are essential to enable a positive and productive work environment. They strengthen connections between employees and the company. 

Here are some benefits of team-building activities:

  • These activities improve communication and understanding among team members by reducing conflicts and misunderstandings.
  • They build trust between the members, strengthen their relationships, and encourage a supportive environment.
  • Also, they increase job satisfaction and make work more enjoyable.
  • Such events promote collaboration, effective teamwork, and coordinated problem-solving.
  • They boost creativity and innovative thinking, which leads to solutions and improvements.
  • Employees become more encouraged and aware of responsibility, commitment, and engagement in work.
  • They help the team members to adjust to new challenges and transitions.
  • It offers opportunities for employees to practice and refine their skills and abilities.

Team Building Activity Ideas For Businesses And Organizations In The UAE

Sometimes, companies or business owners struggle to find ideas for team-building activities. Are you one among them? Here are some of the major categories of those activities you can utilize with your team. 

Icebreaker Activities

It helps to “break the ice” and generate good energy before starting a team activity. The topic doesn’t have to be specifically relevant to the subject of the meeting, which can reduce tension and promote calmness among employees. Such as:

  1. Icebreaker Questions:

Start with simple questions. Ask everyone to share something unique about themselves. For example, “What’s your favorite vacation spot?” or “What’s your favorite hobby?” These questions help people start conversations, learn more about each other, and feel more connected. This activity takes only 5-10 minutes, and all of the employees can participate.

  1. Two Truths and a Lie:

In this game, each person says two true things and one false thing about themselves. The others try to guess which one is the lie. It’s a fun way to get to know coworkers better. This is a great activity for a newly formed team, or if you are taking more new members to your team.

  1. Human Bingo:

Create bingo cards with various traits or experiences of the employees. Employees must find people who match these traits to fill out their cards. This game encourages socializing and conversation. It takes a short time, and all employees can participate. 

Social Activities

These are fun activities where everyone can join easily. They help build relationships between employees outside of regular work tasks. They produce a relaxed environment where employees can bond and share the same vision. Such as:

  1. Team Lunches or Dinners:

Arranging team lunches or dinners allows employees to socialize and build relationships regularly. Choose casual environments where everyone feel comfortable and relaxed. Taking a break from your daily routine to experience something new, like a team lunch or dinner, is always refreshing.

  1. Mystery Lunches:

Make some pairs of employees randomly for lunch or coffee breaks. It encourages people to get to know colleagues they rarely interact with. It can build connections with more across the company. Employees can share different opinions and outlooks on life by understanding their unfamiliar co-workers closely.

  1. Volunteering Together:

Engage in community service or charitable events as a group. Together, they will be able to achieve a common purpose and help other people in need. Volunteering can enable bonding and gratuities among the members. Select subjects that have personal significance for the companions of the group.

  1. Work Anniversary Celebrations:

Celebrate anniversaries at work with little parties and add recognition and feedback. Employees feel more valued and appreciated when their accomplishments are acknowledged. It’s an easy method to increase morale and express gratitude. The celebration also encourages them to put more effort into their work.

Learning Activities

They are team development activities that create opportunities to gain knowledge. These activities improve working and learning abilities among workers. Such as:

  1. Skill-Sharing Activities:

Arrange skill-sharing activities for team members to share their skills or hobbies. They can participate in cooking, tech tutorials, or art workshops. It allows 5-10 employees to learn new abilities and appreciate each other’s talents.

  1. Book Clubs:

Create a book club where 4-8 employees or more can read and discuss topics. Choose books related to personal development or business topics. It promotes thoughtful discussion and development among co-workers. The employees will be able to read books whenever they want and pass their break time efficiently.

  1. Problem-Solving Tasks:

Plan seminars where teams solve case studies or actual work difficulties. It enables employees to collaborate and think in new ways. It helps to increase their problem-solving abilities and thinking. They take 1-2 hours and employees can join in groups of 3-5 people.

  1. Brainstorming sessions:

Organize brainstorming meetings to create new ideas or address issues. Encourage everyone to take part and think beyond the box. This encourages teamwork through team-building activities and values everyone’s opinions, enhancing their learning abilities.

Fun Activities and Relaxation

Fun and relaxation team-building activities help employees remove the stress caused by work and feel fresh and recharged. They bring comfort to work life and create a more balanced job environment. For example:

  1. Fun Workshops:

Organize workshops or outdoor team-building activities on fun topics like cooking, painting, or photography. These activities provide a break from work and allow employees to explore new interests. It strengthens bonding between the members. Also, they can learn new skills and create some fantastic memories together.

  1. Olympics and Games:

Organize some corporate games and competitions for team building, such as desk chair races, paper airplane contests, mini-golf, and more. Arrange these team-building games where they can compete as a team. It’s a fun way to promote friendly competition and enhances teamwork abilities. These games take around 15-20 minutes each round.

  1. Picnics and Outings:

Arrange picnics or outdoor meetings for the employees 2-3 times yearly. They will enjoy a day break without work and breathe fresh air. Choose historical or sightseeing places where they can explore the world and its history. Outings together can strengthen their bond, build communication, and share interests, bringing more fun to their work life.

  1. Cultural Show:

Host a cultural show where employees can showcase their additional talents and skills. This could be singing, dancing, poetry, or any other talent. It’s a fun way to celebrate each other’s abilities and refresh their mind from basic work routines. Rewarding the best performances will also increase their interest in other inherited talents and master them.

Physical Activities

These are team-building exercises for the workplace which are great for building energy and team spirit. They promote health and wellness among the employees and keep them motivated to work. Some of those activities are:

  1. Team Sports:

Arrange outdoor games or sports for team building such as cricket, soccer, volleyball, and basketball. It promotes their collaboration and team spirit. Choose a sport that everyone would like to engage in and play together. Several members can join, and the matches last about 30-60 minutes.

  1. Fitness Challenges:

Set up outdoor team-building games or fitness competitions for the employees such as step races, marathons, cycling, or team workout sessions. They promote a healthy lifestyle and inspire collaboration. It’s an enjoyable way to keep the employees active and socialize with each other.

  1. Office Yoga or Meditation:

Hold seminars of 10-20 employees on mindfulness and relaxation methods which takes only about 20-30 minutes. This might involve yoga, meditation, or stress-management classes. It enables employees to control stress and enhance their overall well-being.

Virtual Activities

Virtual team-building activities are an excellent idea for remote groups to keep them motivated. They help remote employees feel engaged, similar to office workers. Some of the examples are:

  1. Virtual Escape Rooms:

Participate in virtual escape rooms where teams can participate and solve puzzles online. It’s an engaging way to build problem-solving skills and teamwork. These games are plain, and multiple members can join. Office workers can also enter and compete.

  1. Online Games and Contests: 

Employees can play online group games together, which requires teamwork and strategy. This could include trivia games, online scavenger hunts, quizzes, or multiplayer problem-solving challenges. These activities are enjoyable, help bond with remote colleagues, and improve skillfulness. 


Team building activities for employees are more than just fun and games. They create a positive and harmonious work environment. Improving communication, trust, and collaboration can create a better work culture in any Dubai business.

So, include team-building activities in your next meeting, whether it is online or in person. They offer a break from routines and help individuals better understand each other and themselves.


What are indoor team-building activities?

Indoor team building activities are the activities that can be arranged inside the office. Such as board games, quizzes, trivia, or escape rooms.

What are some quick team-building activities?

Two Truths and a Lie, trivia, human knot, and human bingo are some of the quick and easy team-building activities. They take only around 5-10 minutes to finish.

Do team-building activities help business organizations?

Yes, team-building activities help business organizations by improving communication, fostering collaboration, boosting employee morale, and enhancing overall productivity.

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